Thursday, January 21, 2010

Days 16, 17 and 18

Playing catch up here. The sketches are being done daily, they are just not being shared daily. Such is life.

Day 16 - watch sketch
sepia pen in Cahier pocket sketch book
copyright 2010 Stacy L. Rowan

Day 16 I was trying to squeeze my sketch in before company arrived which explains my watch as a subject.

Day 17 - sketch from the lunch table
sepia pen in Cahier pocket sketch book
copyright 2010 Stacy L. Rowan

I did my Day 17 sketch while out to lunch for my aunt's birthday celebration.(Happy Birthday Aunt Toodi!!) Luckily she is one of my biggest supporters so she didn't mind. In fact, most of the people at our table didn't even notice until I was about a third of the way through. After they noticed I lost my focus a little and I think it shows.

Day 18 - leather bag sketch
sepia pen in Cahier pocket sketch book
copyright 2010 Stacy L. Rowan

On this day I sketched my leather bag. This is the bag I take with me when I'm running the kids to their activities. I fill it with whatever I need to keep me busy or entertained until they are done. It's held up amazingly well for all the running around we've done. I suppose the same could be said for me.

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