banana sketch (Day 140)
sepia ink in Moleskine cahier pocket sketch book
©2010 Stacy L. Rowan
I was lucky enough to receive as a Christmas gift a gift card for the local art supply store. (Okay, so maybe it wasn't all luck since I asked for it, but I was lucky that someone actually followed through on my request!)
I need to replenish some of my standard supplies, but I should also have enough money to pick up some new materials to experiment with. I am looking for recommendations from my fellow artists to help me choose between all the options.
There are two things in particular that I want your opinions on.
1) Paper for Charcoal Drawings - I currently use
Rives BFK paper for my charcoals, but I'd like to try another paper. In particular I'm looking for a paper that allows me to easily achieve subtle value changes. I'd also like a paper which is easy to tone since I typically start my charcoal pieces by laying down a consistent mid-value tone.
What papers do you like working on when you use charcoals or pastels?
2) Watercolor Sketchbook - I have been doing more sketching with watercolors lately. Last year I finished up a small Canson book and now I am about half-way through my
Moleskine watercolor book. I actually like the Moleskine paper and will probably buy another of these, but I would also like to try a new watercolor sketchbook.
What is your favorite sketchbook for using watercolors or other liquid mediums?
Now I am pretty sure that every artist has one or two things they can't live without. For instance, I find that I repeatedly turn to the
Faber-Castell Pitt pen with sepia ink and a brush tip for sketching. And I love my
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold round brushes for painting.
If you feel strongly about any of your materials and want to share the love, I'm listening. After all, there is always Christmas next year once this gift card is done.
Thanks for your input! I can't wait to go shopping!
For the record, I am not in any way being compensated by the companies above or by Dick Blick (the links I provided). This is just the stuff I regularly use.